ShEaNa'S wOrLd!!!!

The Sheananess
My Pix!
The Sheananess

gjirjgirj.jpg you may (or may not) have figured out, this page will be about me...
Name:  The Sheana (pronounced happy camper) Ness
D.O.B:September 6th!
Fav. Colours: Black, red, and pink.
Fav. Show: Dog: Bounty Hunter (go Leland!)
Fav. Movie: Beyond Borders
Fav. Cereal: Capt. Crunch
Fav. Choc. Bar: Twix or 3 Musketeers
Fav. Drink: Fruitopia in ''Grape Beyond''
Fav. Clothing Article: Scarf
Thing I Say Most: ''Wawaweewa''
Song I Sing In Shower: I'm Not Okay
Fav. Store: Urban Outfitters
Fav. Book: Da Vinci Code
Fav. Ice Cream: Super Kid from Laura Secord
Favorite Human (dead): Che Guevara
Favorite Human (alive): YOU!
Religion: I praise the almight Emo God!
Where I Want To Visit: Africa, Amazon, Australia
Where I Don't: Ummm....anywhere with volcanos
Where I Want To Live: Anywhere without volcanos
Biggest Fear: Volcanoes and bicycles (long story)
Best Friend: Umm. Well.... *cringe* I can't choose!
Aspiration: Well, I'd love to write a book but my momma said it was a hopeless cause, so I'm focussing on Law.
Pets:  Miniature Schnauzer named Jazz, Five Siamese fighter fish called Che, Tsunami, Mr. Grumpy Gills, Napoleon Dynamite, and Consty Marou. Does the turtle dove in my backyard count? I've called him Pooferdinkle. And the squirrel? Mr. Hanky!
Kids: Yes please.....but not for now.
Shoe Size: I wear 5 or 6...depending on the shoe!
Ring Size: My wedding finger...size 6!

I TOLD you not to fall in love with

You should be looking up, reject, there's nothing down here. Lol.